Stefano Taglietti - Memoirs of Elagabalus 002.jpg
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Stefano Taglietti: "Memoirs of Elagabalus" PDF Print E-mail

Memoirs of Elagabalus", "The Egg Musher", and "Mio Passar Solitario" have been performed for the first time by the El Cimarrón Ensemble at the festival "Sommerkonzerte im Altmühltal" (Audi Forum Ingolstadt, Germany) on July 12th, 2007.

Soprano, Guitar, Flute, Percussion, Direction.

A reading of Elagabalus'figure laying as philosophical and aesthetic center the supremacy of the creative power and the vision of the divine. Beside and above the cruelty and every human constrain, challenging the surely of the reason, of the social dictates, of the individual identity and the History itself. The roman emperor, in the last phase of his indomitable existential event, spent from its own fury, tells and retraces despite the certainty that in a little while he is going to be killed. In a continuous of poetic apexes, he narrates the sublime experience of his life as a god-emperor, in which the rules manifest themselves subverting totally the logic, artistic, religious and temporal concepts. His manifold human and divine parentages, the showing off of a sacral sexuality, the alienation from the power, the fascination of the knowledge, until to evocate the wake of his own dead body and the denial of the remembrance.

A tale of a realized theater, lucid and alive, where the interior order that guides Elagabalus, generates, decides and predisposes the act, looking as an incomprehensible and terrifying disorder at the eyes of the ones that are forced to undergo it. A tale where the artist-god sustains the expiative damnation of any age's furores.

12.07.2007 - Festival Sommer im Altmühltal 2007, Ingolstadt,Germania
24.09.2007 - Banska Bystrica, Slovacchia, Slowakian Composer Association
15.03.2008 - Fresno,California, USA 30th anniversary season of Opus Orpheus
14.05.2008 – Teatr Stu Kracovia Festival 2008
19. 10.2008 - Sassari Teatro Civico Festival “Opera ma novità”
26.10.2008 - Parigi  Teatro Cité Universitaire, Salle Aldo Vitale
8.12.2009 – Kulturforum, Hallein
15.12.2009 - Festival di Nuova Consonanza, Roma

Memoirs of Elagabalus (Fresno) - Clip

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Memoirs of Elagabalus (Teatro Civico, Sassari, November 2008) - Sexus - Taglietti

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Todo lo que hay en la obra sale a la luz en la excelente versión que este disco ofrece y que es, a la postre, un recordatorio de que estamos ante uno de los grandes compositores de nuestro tiempo.

